Looking for fresh ideas to grow your accounting practice?

We’ve got you.

Welcome to the Accounting Innovators Community

We connect accounting & finance professionals with people, tools and resources to grow sustainable practices where everyone thrives

We’re for the future

The Accounting Innovators community is a place for like-minded professionals to meet, learn and take action to grow their business and make a difference in the accounting industry.

Membership is open to accounting and bookkeeping professionals and those working alongside them in the finance business ecosystem, e.g. financial planners, lawyers, mortgage brokers, insolvency practitioners, insurance brokers, etc.

We also collaborate with education providers, community ambassadors and other industry groups and organisations to help find solutions to the big issues facing the accounting industry today.

Together, we can harness the power of people and technology to develop efficiencies, productivity and growth, and drive change.


This is definitely the place for you - and everyone is an innovator!

Being an innovator isn’t about coming up with the next big thing, and it’s not all about technology either - so you can take that pressure off yourself :)

The Collins English Dictionary defines an innovator as:

“someone who introduces changes and new ideas”

If you want something in your business to change, you need to start by doing one thing, where you are right now, differently.

One change can have a ripple effect, that creates a wave that turns into a tsunami.

If enough of us do that one thing differently, together we can create positive impact on an exponential scale.

I’m not sure I’m an innovator - is this for me?

Who’s behind the community?

Hi! We’re Karen Moloney and Sonia Gibson, Co-Founders of Accounting Innovators.

We’ve got a combined 60+ years experience in accounting, corporate training, marketing and business (big and small), and we’re on a mission to help create the sustainable accounting practices of the future!